ZOOMing Theater

May 20, 2021

In this episode, we present a number of digital theatre projects. In dialogue with theatremakers from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal and the USA, we unpacked a theatrical sub-genre that has expanded tremendously in the current climate, considering the possibilities it offers, the creation process for online projects and strategies for holding an online audience’s attention. Our discussion also dealt with the differences between traditional theatre techniques and digital theatre and the issue of their relationships in the future evolution of theatre.

Tereza Dobiasova / CZ – author, curator, director and cultural manager, author of an interactive online performance „Free Like Birds“
Patrícia Paixão / PT – producer, creator and actress, and a member of Teatro Estúdio Fontenova, member of the staging team of online production of Karel Čapek’s play „The White Plague“
Attila Balogh / HU, actor, writer and theatre director, author of online project „Y”
haddeus Phillips / USA, theatre director, author of an interactive project “ZOO MOTEL”


Ádám Fónai / HU, Károli Gáspár University in Budapest
Szabó Attila / HU, Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute, Károli Gáspár University in Budapest


Links to projects, organisations and initiatives mentioned in the discussion and in this episode:

Y: a play co-written and co-directed by Attila Balogh: www.szigligeti.ro/eloadasok/szigligeti/Y/875?lang=en

ZOO Motel: A live cinematic theatre play by Thaddeus Phillips: www.zoomotel.org/

Teatro Estúdio Fontenova: Patrícia Paixão’s theatre company; producers of the first Portuguese adaptation of Karel Čapek’s The White Plague: www.teatroestudiofontenova.com/

Trailer for Tereza Dobiášová’s Free Like Birds: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNMNn15T79c

This episode is written by Ádám Fónai / HU, Károli Gáspár University in Budapest and read by Daniel Zappi and Sinead Phelps.
Podcast Director: Jiří Šimek
Read by: Daniel Zappi and Sinead Phelps
Dramaturgy: Martina Pecková Černá and Co.
Production: Barbora Comer
Soundesign: Jan Čtvrtník