Yan Duyvendak: VIRUS crashtest

August 5, 2020
Machinefabriek, Groningen, The Netherlands
In the frame of NorderZomerProgramma

Coronavirus (COVID-19), the topic of the day, shows how vulnerable our society is in the event of a pandemic. Panic is imminent. The authorities are doing what they can.
But how would you do manage it yourself? What would you do if you were responsible for closing or not closing the borders or the schools? How would you manage the ressources? And what would be the outcome out of your decisions?
VIRUS is inspired by realistic pandemic scenarios developed by the the European Union and the French Ministry of Defense as exercises for governments and hospitals. It is a simulation game imagined in collaboration with scientists and game developers . You are invited to take drastic decisions in a crisis situation.

Premiere August 14-18, Zurich

Conception: Yan Duyvendak
Game developing: Kaedama
Scientific Council: Dr. Philippe Cano
MCs: French: Delphine Abrecht, Jean-Daniel Piguet
German: Jan-Peter Horstmann, Sarah Ulrich, Anne Schäfer
Dutch: Marian Van Voorn, Milan van der Zwaan
Light Design: Vincent Millet
FR : Georges Romero
DE : Robert Lewetzky
NL : Yan Duyvendak
Stage Management: Eric Mutel, Stéphane Leclercq
Management: Marine Magnin, Alexandra Nivon
International development: Judith Martin / Ligne Directe
Production and Communication: Charlotte Terrapon
Assistants: Tomas Gonzalez, Pierre-Angelo Zavaglia
Production: Dreams Come True, Genève
Coproduction: La Comédie, Genève (CH); Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne (CH); Les SUBS, lieu vivant d’expériences artistiques, Lyon (FR); Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresde (DE); International Summer Festival Kampnagel, Hamburg (DE); Carré-Colonnes, Saint-Médard Blanquefort (FR); le phénix scène nationale Valenciennes (FR); Grand Theatre / Noorderzon Festival, Groningue (NL); Zürcher Theaterspektakel (CH); Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève (CH); (in progress)
Supports: Ville de Genève; République et Canton de Genève; Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council ; Pour-cent culturel MIGROS, CORODIS, (… en cours)
Thanks to: Bourse de compagnonnage Ville de Lausanne, Canton de Vaud