NTGent Opening Weekend

September 28 – 30, 2018
NTGent Schouwburg, NTGent Minnemeers, NTGent Arca, NTGent Minard & Sint-Baafsplein, Ghent, Belgium

NTGent is starting its season with a bang! A series of activities as a sample of what a city theatre can (and must) be. Don’t miss this appointment with the future, discover the main features of the new NTGent and write theatre history with us. Create your own classics, because the future is yours!

During the opening weekend there will be the premiere of Milo Rau’s Lam Gods. We are presenting thepremiere of Ghost Writer & The Broken Hand Break by the Ghent artist Miet Warlop and the Belgian premiereof Not Another Diva by the Congolese choreographer Faustin Linyekula and South African actressand choreographer Hlengiwe Lushaba. There are installations and presentations by our artists-in-residenceAction Zoo Humain and Renzo Martens. There is a speech by Béatrice Delvaux and a debate with Ulrike Guérot, Dalilla Hermans and Renzo Martens, moderated by Ruth Joos. There is our Box of Truth, in whichpeople are interviewed while connected to a lie detector. And there is a party, of course! Are you in?

The opening speech by Beatrice Delvaux at the beginning of the Opening weekend

Concept: Milo Rau
Organized by NTGent

photo: Michiel Devijver