Marie Pons: Slow and gentle – Santarcangelo Festival 2019

Marie Pons wrote an article for Springback Magazine about Santarcangelo Festival 2019 and  performances that were part of Create to Connect –> Create to Impact project.

The whole article is available in English on Springback Magazine’s website, waiting for you to read it!

Here is we give you a little peek:

“[…] Another characteristic feature of the festival were performances to be experienced either alone or one-on-one. As part of the Create to Connect -> Create to Impact network, two of them were particularly striking. In Sparks by Francesca Grilli, the children of Santarcangelo take us in charge. We have a set time to meet one of them and on arrival, a child in a silver cap leads us in to sit on the floor. The peak of the cap slides down and covers the child’s eyes, who instantly becomes a kind of super-hero, as if accessing another layer of seeing, another way of meeting us. There begins a short session of palm reading that ends with a philosophical question suspended in mid-air, for us to live with when we go back into the city. Sparks is like a small disruption in the rhythm of the daily life, a pause that deeply connects two strangers for a brief time and gently shakes up habits, simply in the gesture of giving your hand – metaphorically, your destiny and expectations – to the care of a child, and listen to their words. Sparks is a timely reflection on the weight of children’s voices to be heard, mirroring real-life figures such as Greta Thunberg and Youth for Climate, who take the immediate future into their own hands. […]” Continue reading


Slow and gentle – Santarcangelo Festival 2019 was published in Springback Magazine, written by a dance journalist Marie Pons

Link: 20 February 2020,