Daniela Cristina Gagiu: SUPERHEROES, VILLAINS AND ALIENS of our times

Format: video, pictures


Gagiu Daniela Cristina researches how youngsters imagine heroes, superheroes and villains. Working with two groups of students coming from completely different class and social backgrounds, namely children who are forced to work collecting garbage with no time for schooling and privileged kids from an elite school, the artist makes curious observations. In her reading, the visual outputs generated suggest that imagination has no limit when it concerns superheroes, aliens, and villains. She finds that popular and vernacular stories transmit more influence and imaginary power than the official politics that dominates the media. The question is how economic privilege affects imagination.

While working with two groups of students coming from completely different class and social backgrounds the artist and teacher Gagiu Daniela Cristina makes a curios visual observation on how these two groups of children imagine heroes, superheroes and villains.

Gagiu Daniela Cristina (born 1969) is an artist based in Cluj, Romania. She has exhibited her work locally and internationally. Since 2009 she has been a member of the organisation Fabrica de Pensule. She is an art teacher at Elf School.