Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal
23rd June – 2nd July 2022

In the frame of INSIDE OUT Festival
Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal

After winning over the world’s largest festivals and museums with his project Musée de la Danse, French choreographer Boris Charmatz now embarks on a new and surprising adventure called [terrain]. With this project, Charmatz brings dance over to the public space, addressing urgent questions such as urban ecology, the democratisation of the arts and active participation.

[terrain] is a long-term project that seeks to implement, in various ways and in different places, the concept of a choreographic institution without walls or ceiling, in the middle of the urban grid. This implies being exposed to the sun and the rain, city noise and everything that goes on around us, but it also creates extraordinary opportunities, such as enjoying space without limits or borders, the natural scenery, the absence of formalities or the presence of an audience made up of passers-by.

In Lisbon, [terrain] will take place in the magnificent Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques with a crew of French and Portuguese dancers, and anyone will be welcome to join in.

The program has several aspects and all initiatives take place at Alameda Dom Henrique, with free admission.

The final presentation of [terrain] Lisboa takes place on Saturday 2nd July at 8 pm. Access is free.



Dance X
Boris Charmatz
[terrain] Lisboa
Talk / workshop / performance
23 JUN – 2 JUL 2022
Free entry

Dancers’ daily warm-up session, open to everyone
23 JUN – 1 JUL 2022
6 pm –7 pm
7 pm – 8 pm

Public rehearsals
uma igreja sem igreja
23 JUN – 1 JUL 2022
7 pm – 11 pm

Dance workshop for everyone*
25 JUN
10 am – 12 am

Talk with Boris Charmatz
25 JUN
5 pm

Workshop with Magali Caillet-Gajan for students and young professionals*
27 JUN – 1 JUL
10 am –12 am
Final presentation

Performance x
Boris Charmatz
uma igreja sem igreja
8 pm – 11 pm

*Free entry, but requires registration to


Interpretation: Laura Bachman, Régis Badel, Guilhem Chatir, Ashley Chen, Sofia Dias, Angela Diaz Quintela, João dos Santos Martins, Henrique Furtado, Tatiana Julien, Georges Labbat, Johanna Elisa Lemke, Piny, Vítor Roriz, Lewis Seivwright, Bruno Senune, Solène Wachter
Conception and choreography: Boris Charmatz
Choreographic assistant: Magali Caillet Gajan
Lights: Yves Godin
Sound: Olivier Renouf
Costumes: Florence Samain
Vocal work: Dalila Khatir
General stage manager: François Aubry aka Moustache
Production: Culturgest – Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos e [terrain]
A project organised in the framework of the Season France-Portugal 2022.
Cofinanced by Create To Connect – Create To Impact du programme Europe Créative de l’Union Europénne
Acknowledgements: Perig Menez

Artistic director: Boris Charmatz
Deputy director: Hélène Joly
Director of productions: Lucas Chardon, Martina Hochmuth
Production manager: Jessica Crasnier, Briac Geffrault
Boris Charmatz, director of [terrain] and, from August 2022, of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, is building an artistic project between France and Germany.
[terrain] is supported by the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Hauts-de-France, and the Hauts-de-France Region. As part of its presence in the Hauts-de-France region, [terrain] is working with the Opéra de Lille, the phénix national stage of Valenciennes – pôle européen de création, and the Maison de la Culture d’Amiens – Pôle européen de création et de production. Boris Charmatz is an associated artist of Charleroi danse (Belgium) from 2018 to 2022.

More about the programme at the Culturgest’s website.