August 23 – 27, 2022Noorderzon, Groningen, the Netherlands Set within the décor of a local shopping centre, a guided tour to the mirage of endless growth and infinite abundance, with a special eye for the role that architecture has played in
Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula: How a falling star lit up the purple sky
August 25 - 27, 2022Grand Theatre, Noorderzon, Groningen, the Netherlands Clichés tumble and fall in this new ‘Wild West’ Pantsula-reverie, as choreographer Jeremy Nedd and the extraordinary South African dancers of Impilo Mapantsula set out new story lines in search of
Lara Thoms, Samara Hersch: Please Stand
26 - 28 August, 2022Noorderzon, Groningen, the Netherlands Please Stand Is a new work by Samara Hersch and Lara Thoms created in collaboration with a cast of young activists that explores the history, mythology, rituals and politics of National Anthems from
Ant Hampton & Tim Etchells: Not to Scale
August 13 - 22, 2021 Vera, Groningen, The Netherlands
Susanne Kennedy & Markus Selg i.c.w. Rodrik Biersteker : I am (VR)
August 13 - 22, 2021 Groningen, The Netherlands
Renaissance: La Tristura
August 13 - 15, 2021 Groningen, The Netherlands