Grande Loge/Tjon Ronkon: Biesnies
April 8 & 9, 2022
Theater Rotteradm, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Tjon Rockon combines popular street culture with more classical forms of art to create exuberant performances.
“Here’s a general report from GrandeMang#44. Damsko’s vultures have descended. Bigi Krakti Tjon Rockon invites you and your purchasing power to the new Grande Loge product launch. Sneak into that theater, worshop the snake, or buy a ticket. Everyone’s wallet is welcome. The primisi is monnie, amassing wealth is our biesniess. The Loge claims your soul.
Shut up and let your money speak for itself. Worship the right gods. Accumulate wealth. You too can live like a pure krakti. Everything and everyone is for sale. Throw yourself away in the name of Loge. The the blood boil. Sin in the name of redemption. Your body is a time share, give the Loge a few weeks and transform.”
Grande Loge is a producer of socially inspired and innovative contemporary performances for a wide audience and a brotherhood – brozilians – for young adults. Grande Loge offers space to makers with an art education and to (urban) autodidacts. He brings popular street culture together with more classical forms of art and culture and uses the combination and the power of individuality and education to bind audiences and cultures.
More on Theater Rotterdam’s website.