Yan Duyvendak – invisible
16 – 22 August, 2019
Startpunt VERA, Groningen, The Netherlands
In the frame of Noorderzone Performing Arts Festival Groningen.
Infectious clandestine acts in public spaces
When was the last time you did something naughty? Widely acclaimed theatre maker Yan Duyvendak will be visiting Noorderzon this year for the world première of invisible. He invites everyone to participate in this radically rebellious, yet extremely elegant show. Snap up your ticket quick, because this will be a festival day that will amuse you like no other. In invisible, audience members are both the cause of and witness to subtle, exciting disturbances in public spaces. The socially acceptable norm is upended in a way, the cause of which is only known to you, as invisible accomplice. Together with a small group and armed with a brief scenario and witness statements of earlier participants, you will fulfil a number of clandestine assignments in nearby public spaces. Don’t think twice and be sure to join in this amusing and infectious game which will unleash more than you would ever have expected.
Script: Yan Duyvendak, in collaboration with Delphine Abrecht, Claire Astier, Rémi Dufay, Claire Perret, Jean-Daniel Piguet, Monica Hofman, Merel Kotterer, Jaana van Vliet, Marian van Voorn, Karijn van der Wijk, Mark Yeoman, Milan van der Zwaan
Design: Rémi Dufay & Luke Archer
Management: Marine Magnin
International development: Judith Martin / Ligne Directe
Production: Dreams Come True, Genève
Communication: Charlotte Terrapon
Coproduction: La Comédie Genève (CH), Grand Theatre / Noorderzon Groningen (NL), Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain Lausanne (CH), Pro Helvetia New Delhi / Serendipity Festival, Goa (IN), Staying here with you Belgrade (RS)