Bazaar Festival 2019, Prague

March 14 – 18, 2019. Prague, Czech Republic

From 14 to 18 March 2019, the fifth annual Bazaar theatre and dance festival will present unique performances and excerpts from future works from leading Central and Eastern European creators, and even a performance from the Middle East! Thematically most works react to the unanswered threats in us and around us. From suppressed or neglected feelings in our own bodies to the great changes and wars threatening the freedom of people not far from the borders of our European region. How to heal the situation instead of making it worse?  But these seemingly serious topics are processed by all artists in astounding ways: festival audiences can look forward to five festival days full of inventive, funny, acclaimed as well as courageous new performances.

The festival starts with GRACE from internationally acclaimed Hungarian group Hodworks and dynamo choreographer Adrienn Hód, and a physical theatre piece from Lebanon about the body of the powerful. This year the festival finally brings icon of European performance art, choreography and song IVO DIMCHEV back to Prague, and will walk the audience through a personal encounter with the history of fascism and authoritarian regimes in the good hands of German performance group LIGNA in RAPTURE AND RAGE.  As always, at the heart of the festival are excerpts from theatre and dance productions currently being developed by artists from the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and other countries. Over the course of five intense festival days, you can look forward to a survey of progressive and controversial stage productions, accompanied by a discussion and workshop by Bush Hartshorn called “Giving and Receiving Feedback,” open to the general public.

Partners: The City of Prague, Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, The State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic, Prague 7 City District Authority, Městská část Praha 7, Goethe-institut Czech Republic, the Czech-German Future Fund, the Arts and Theatre Institute, The Hungarian Culture Institute in Prague, Nationales Performance Netz 

Venues: Studio Alta, Ponec – divadlo pro tanec, Divadlo Archa, Alfred ve dvoře / Motus z.s  

Media partners: Český rozhlas Vltava, Radio Wave, A2, Full Moon, Taneční Zóna, Divadelní noviny,